Text-to-sql任务,旨在将问题的自然语言转化为SQL查询,最近引起了很多关注。 Text-to-SQL最具挑战性的问题之一是如何将培训的模型概括为未遵守的数据库模式,也称为跨域文本到SQL任务。关键在于(i)编码方法的概括性,以模拟问题和数据库模式和(ii)问题模式链接方法,以了解数据库模式中问题和表/列之间的单词之间的映射。专注于上述两个关键问题,我们提出了一个用于跨域文本到SQL的结构感知双图形聚合网络(Sadga)。在Sadga中,我们采用图形结构为自然语言问题和数据库模式提供统一的编码模型。基于所提出的统一建模,我们进一步设计了一个结构感知聚合方法,以了解问题图和架构图之间的映射。结构感知聚合方法具有全局图链接,本地图链接和双图聚合机制。我们不仅研究了我们的提案的表现,而且还在撰写本文时挑战挑战文本到SQL基准蜘蛛的第3位。
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这项工作同时考虑了典型的监督学习任务中深度表示的可区分性和可传递性属性,即图像分类。通过全面的时间分析,我们观察到这两个属性之间的权衡。随着培训的进展,可区分性不断提高,而转移性在后来的培训期间大大降低。从信息 - 底层理论的角度来看,我们揭示了可区分性和可传递性之间的不相容性归因于输入信息的过度压缩。更重要的是,我们研究了为什么和为什么如何减轻过度压缩的信息,并进一步提出一个学习框架,称为对比度的时间编码〜(CTC),以抵消过度压缩并减轻不相容性。广泛的实验验证了CTC成功缓解了不相容性,从而产生了歧视性和可转移表示形式。在图像分类任务和挑战转移学习任务上实现了明显的改进。我们希望这项工作将提高传统监督学习环境中可转移性属性的重要性。代码可从https://github.com/dtennant/dt-tradeoff获得。
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假设我们观察一个随机向量$ x $从一个具有未知参数的已知家庭中的一些分发$ p $。我们问以下问题:什么时候可以将$ x $分为两部分$ f(x)$和$ g(x)$,使得两部分都足以重建$ x $自行,但两者都可以恢复$ x $完全,$(f(x),g(x))$的联合分布是贸易的吗?作为一个例子,如果$ x =(x_1,\ dots,x_n)$和$ p $是一个产品分布,那么对于任何$ m <n $,我们可以将样本拆分以定义$ f(x)=(x_1 ,\ dots,x_m)$和$ g(x)=(x_ {m + 1},\ dots,x_n)$。 Rasines和Young(2021)提供了通过使用$ x $的随机化实现此任务的替代路线,并通过加性高斯噪声来实现高斯分布数据的有限样本中的选择后推断和非高斯添加剂模型的渐近。在本文中,我们提供更一般的方法,可以通过借助贝叶斯推断的思路在有限样本中实现这种分裂,以产生(频繁的)解决方案,该解决方案可以被视为数据分裂的连续模拟。我们称我们的方法数据模糊,作为数据分割,数据雕刻和P值屏蔽的替代方案。我们举例说明了一些原型应用程序的方法,例如选择趋势过滤和其他回归问题的选择后推断。
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开创性双编码器预训练工作(例如,剪辑并对齐)揭示了与对比学习对齐多模态表示的潜力。然而,这些作品需要大量的数据和计算资源(例如,十亿级Web数据和数百个GPU),这阻止了从再生产和进一步探索的资源有限的研究人员。为此,我们探讨了一堆简单但有效的启发式,并提供了全面的培训指导,使我们能够与有限的资源进行双编码器多模态表示对齐。我们为竞争结果提供可重复的强大基线,即Zerovl,只有1400万公共访问的学术数据集和8 v100 GPU。此外,我们收集100米Web数据进行预培训,而不是最先进的方法实现可比或优越的结果,进一步证明了我们对大规模数据的方法的有效性。我们希望这项工作将为多模态预培训的未来研究提供有用的数据点和经验。我们的代码和预先训练的型号将被释放,以促进研究界。
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Our work focuses on tackling the challenging but natural visual recognition task of long-tailed data distribution (i.e., a few classes occupy most of the data, while most classes have rarely few samples). In the literature, class re-balancing strategies (e.g., re-weighting and re-sampling) are the prominent and effective methods proposed to alleviate the extreme imbalance for dealing with long-tailed problems. In this paper, we firstly discover that these rebalancing methods achieving satisfactory recognition accuracy owe to that they could significantly promote the classifier learning of deep networks. However, at the same time, they will unexpectedly damage the representative ability of the learned deep features to some extent. Therefore, we propose a unified Bilateral-Branch Network (BBN) to take care of both representation learning and classifier learning simultaneously, where each branch does perform its own duty separately. In particular, our BBN model is further equipped with a novel cumulative learning strategy, which is designed to first learn the universal patterns and then pay attention to the tail data gradually. Extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets, including the large-scale iNaturalist ones, justify that the proposed BBN can significantly outperform state-of-the-art methods. Furthermore, validation experiments can demonstrate both our preliminary discovery and effectiveness of tailored designs in BBN for long-tailed problems. Our method won the first place in the iNaturalist 2019 large scale species classification competition, and our code is open-source and available at https://github.com/Megvii-Nanjing/BBN . * Q. Cui and Z.-M. Chen's contribution was made when they were interns in Megvii Research Nanjing, Megvii Technology, China. X.
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Few Shot Instance Segmentation (FSIS) requires models to detect and segment novel classes with limited several support examples. In this work, we explore a simple yet unified solution for FSIS as well as its incremental variants, and introduce a new framework named Reference Twice (RefT) to fully explore the relationship between support/query features based on a Transformer-like framework. Our key insights are two folds: Firstly, with the aid of support masks, we can generate dynamic class centers more appropriately to re-weight query features. Secondly, we find that support object queries have already encoded key factors after base training. In this way, the query features can be enhanced twice from two aspects, i.e., feature-level and instance-level. In particular, we firstly design a mask-based dynamic weighting module to enhance support features and then propose to link object queries for better calibration via cross-attention. After the above steps, the novel classes can be improved significantly over our strong baseline. Additionally, our new framework can be easily extended to incremental FSIS with minor modification. When benchmarking results on the COCO dataset for FSIS, gFSIS, and iFSIS settings, our method achieves a competitive performance compared to existing approaches across different shots, e.g., we boost nAP by noticeable +8.2/+9.4 over the current state-of-the-art FSIS method for 10/30-shot. We further demonstrate the superiority of our approach on Few Shot Object Detection. Code and model will be available.
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In this chapter, we review and discuss the transformation of AI technology in HCI/UX work and assess how AI technology will change how we do the work. We first discuss how AI can be used to enhance the result of user research and design evaluation. We then discuss how AI technology can be used to enhance HCI/UX design. Finally, we discuss how AI-enabled capabilities can improve UX when users interact with computing systems, applications, and services.
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